
Cybersecurity Intern

May - August 2023 • Portage, MI

What I liked

I loved how not only they were flexible with my interests but also with my time. If I had an appointment, I could just make the hours up later. The projects were very hands-on, and I loved all the teams I was a part of.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have been a part of the team for longer. The whole time I was just amazed at how wonderful of a company Stryker is and how much they care about their interns. They really do what they say and aim to grow talent.


I would say be open to asking questions, work on your networking skills, and be comfortable with being uncomfortable. There is so much to learn from this company if you take the time to sit down and learn and put yourself out there.
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Finace and Accounting Intern

May - July 2021 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Stryker was a very team-based and innovative working culture. My experience working with Stryker had a profound impact on my professional development as a student pursuing Finance. The collaborative and collective network of individuals who made up the team I worked on were motivating and provided me with a lot of knowledge and information on different financial processes and data. I learned how to use power apps, create finacial visualizations and expand my network within the comapny.

What I wish was different

I really enjoyed all aspects of the internship. I don't think it could have been better. Although I think working alongside another intern is something that I wished I had experienced. However, during the internship, you do work on a group-based project with interns from other divisions on a case study project which is very nice as you come together with these other interns and create a really insightful project that in a way you get to make your own.


I think going through the interview process and the internship is building up those communication and team-building skills part of the job is connecting with individuals across the company and being able to network so really develop those skills prior to the internship role to make the most and be successful in the role.
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Engineering Tech

June 2015 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

The culture

What I wish was different

Type of project that was worked on


Dont be afraid to ask questions. Everyone is willing to help. Also, Network as much as you can.
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Finance Intern

June - July 2020 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Everyone was very kind and the company culture emphasizes respectful dialogue and long term loyalty that goes both ways.

What I wish was different

It was a remote series, so I wish I had the opportunity to actually work in Michigan and take on my own projects which I would have had without the Covid pandemic.


Ask a lot of questions!
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Production Associate

May - August 2019 • Portage, MI

What I liked

Very friendly team-oriented work place.

What I wish was different


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May - August 2019 • Portage, MI

What I liked

Autonomous working environment, plenty of opportunity for growth, lots of hours available

What I wish was different

I wish I could've learned how to operate more work stations, but I had to return to school


Don't be afraid to ask for help, the workers are friendly and approachable. Try to learn as many different stations as possible, show the company you're motivated and ready to grow.
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Finance Intern

June - August 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Fantastic company culture, people, and management. As an intern, I always felt comfortable asking questions and learning from my advisor and manager. Stryker gives interns very real work that can have an incredible impact.

What I wish was different


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Chemistry Research Intern

May - July 2019 • Fort Lauderdale, FL

What I liked


What I wish was different



Apply early
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Procurement intern

May 2019 • Portage, MI

What I liked

The work

What I wish was different

I wish they offered internships to underclassmen


Ask to shadow employees as an underclassmen
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February 2019 • Mahwah, NJ

What I liked

Works with college schedule, great management. Pays for your SORA classes

What I wish was different



I work overnight shifts so you need to know how to manage your time. They also let you complete your school work as long as you are doing your job.
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Project Management Intern

May - August 2019 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Stryker's culture is fast-paced, challenging, and values all different perspectives to solve problems. From day one I was given responsibilities to help contribute in a meaningful way to the business. Interns are valuable members of the team and are treated as such. The leadership and support I received from both my manager and mentor was a key reason I was able to grow so much from my experience this past summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have taken advantage of making use of the resources available to experience different aspects of the business outside of my functional team.


The people at Stryker are eager to help you learn and grow if you just ask. Do not be afraid to reach out to upper level management to schedule time to learn about their success and gain advice for your future. Everyone is willing to help you have a successful career.
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R&D Engineer

June 2019 • Leesburg, VA

What I liked

Technical skills learned related to the medical device industry.

What I wish was different

More focus on career and personal development.


Take time to network with coworkers.
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Mahwah, NJ

What I liked

I loved that I was given projects that mattered. I was never given a job to do that was just “busy work.” I got to attend meetings with my manager every single day and learned about the operations of a Fortune 500 company first hand.

What I wish was different

Honestly, nothing.


Network, network, network! If you are interning somewhere, try to get to know as many people at the company as you can and build meaningful relationships with them.
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Marketing IN

May - August 2019 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Prior to my internship, I had a great interest in Stryker. After working in the CMF division for a summer, I am fully confident that Stryker is a company I want to be a part of. I had the opportunity to work on a large number of various projects that had real company impact, travel to different CMF events, and learn more about the other divisions.

What I wish was different

A goal my manager set was for me to get field experience by going on a ride along with a sales representative. I was unable to do this for timing reasons, and I do wish this is something I would have been able to do as I have an interest in sales.


My biggest piece of advice is to go into Stryker with an open mind and be ready to work hard! You will be challenged, but there are so many people surrounding you who will take time to help you succeed and overcome challenges.
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Marketing Intern

May 2019 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

The culture, and the people

What I wish was different



Be an activator, don’t sit back and wait for things to happen.
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May 2019 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Friendly coworkers Professional leadership Clean work environment

What I wish was different

Better communication


Ask questions
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General Accounting Intern

February - October 2019 • Portage, MI

What I liked

The people, the opportunities, the job itself in learning and acquiring new skills and traits

What I wish was different

The opportunity to move up in the company


Go out there and make the best impression. Make new friends, set goals for yourself within the company and just kill it!
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Software Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Portage, MI

What I liked

They give you real projects from the first day and treat you like an essential member of the team. Everyone is very passionate and enjoys the work they do. They give you lots of opportunities for professional development, including meeting the president and CEO.

What I wish was different

Nothing, Stryker’s internships are fantastic


Ask a lot of questions and never give up.
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Facilities Engineering Intern

May 2017 • Mahwah, NJ

What I liked

I got a lot of experience across manufacturing floor through many different processes.

What I wish was different


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Global Sourcing Intern

May - August 2018 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

I liked the culture of Stryker and got to meet a lot of other interns as well as permanent employees who helped me develop my skills greatly.

What I wish was different

I wish Stryker had more locations throughout Michigan.


Meet as many people as possible and step out of your comfort zone.
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