Army National Guard members are required to attend one drill weekend each month and one two-week annual training period each year (usually during the summer). Weekend drills are usually scheduled over a Saturday and Sunday each month, but can occasionally include reporting for duty on Friday night.
The world’s oldest form of intelligence gathering: seeking intelligence and information through human interaction. Human Intelligence Collectors interrogate enemy prisoners, recruit sources and build intelligence networks. Learn a new language or use existing foreign language skills to report on the enemy.
Source operations
Basic Combat Training is 10 weeks and Advanced Individual Training: 18 weeks and 3 days at Fort Huachuca, AZ.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
Screenings, debriefings and interrogations
Preparing maps and charts
Human intelligence analysis
Soldiers who aren’t fluent in a foreign language will attend training at the Defense Language Institute for 6 to 18 months.
Skilled Technical (ST): 101
Available to all National Guard Members:
100 % Free State TA is known as the Florida Educational Dollars for Duty Program (EDD): EDD is a state tuition assistance program for Florida National Guard Service members for postsecondary education. Tuition is paid at 100% of the charged resident rate for Florida colleges and public universities, and at the highest current resident rate for accredited private institutions.
EDD can be used for:
Vocational / technical, industry schools
Certificates and academic degree programs (associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees)
Professional licenses and industry certification exams
EDD may also reimburse approved book and instructional material costs.
Who is eligible for EDD? To be eligible Service members must live in Florida, 17 years of age or older, actively drilling and in “Good Standing” in the Florida National Guard.