Zekelman Industries

MEP Engineering Intern

May - August 2024 • Troy, MI

What I liked

At Zekelman, I worked as an MEP Engineer Intern for the Z-Modular division of the company. My responsibilities included designing the locations of various mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components for different construction projects. My main project was working with other structural and architectural interns to create an office trailer for the work sites used by the company throughout the country. I was able to learn valuable interpersonal skills working between different disciplines and learning how much back and forth is necessary when trying to create a high-quality product. I was treated very well by the company, including trips to different offices and sites throughout the country to see how the company runs and works.

What I wish was different

My complaints with Zekelman are few and far between, I learned lots of valuable skills and information while working with them. My coworkers were excellent and made this experience worthwhile. If I had to nitpick a complaint, I would say that I wish my trailer project got started sooner. The first few weeks mostly consisted of me learning the system and working on various other tasks. Although this was certainly helpful and useful, it seemed like more time than was necessary. I by no means wish this period to be completely cut out of the experience, but maybe shortened.


The best piece of advice that I would give to someone looking to work at Zekelman, and even any other company, is to ask question. Everybody is happy to answer and explain and clarify whatever it is to ask. Every single person I worked with told me to ask questions and as many as I had, something that I loved. Something else I would add is to take every opportunity you are given. At the end of the day you are taking the internship to learn about what kind of career you want later in life and how the company works. By doing this I learned so much more about Zekelman Industries as a company, as opposed to just my office in Troy.
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