
NPI Intern

May - August 2021 • Greensboro, NC

What I liked

Really fun company culture with lots of opportunities to connect with others despite being remote. The work was challenging but allowed me to be creative.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more comprehensive training and a little more structure surrounding certain projects.


Be yourself and ask questions!
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HR Staffing Internship

February 2019 - January 2020 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

Not much. I had real problems working at the culture here. Working with the University Program manager I saw a lot of hiring practices that concerned me. I brought these issues up, along with other issues I was experiencing and then I was retaliated against. I had to quit the job, file an UE and EEOC claim. The EEOC is still pending but Unemployment found evidence of retaliation and discrimination. I worked directly with the person responsible for overseeing and hiring all of the interns for the summer program. This seems to be a work place culture issue.

What I wish was different

I wish this company would adhere to ethical business practices that are widely accepted in our industry.


Intel is up the road and hiring. Skyworks is a few miles away, they also have a good reputation.
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Process Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

The community was very welcoming and patient with me. They taught me a lot about the industry and how to be an effective team player.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more interns and more intern engagement activities.


Even if the job isn't in a field you are super interested in, give it a shot! It will amaze you how much you can learn, and you can become well versed in a super niche field!!
1 One person found this helpful

Industrial Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

Super welcoming and relaxed environment! I learned a lot and gained a lot of new skills.

What I wish was different



Texas is far but a lot of fun!
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FAB Operator

July - September 2018 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

I liked about the flexibility of training program and work schedule

What I wish was different

I wish I had started earlier earlier since I only stayed with company for two months.


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