County of San Luis Obispo

About County of San Luis Obispo

Established in 1850 as one of the original counties of California, the County of San Luis Obispo is one of the largest employers in the area and provides essential services to SLO County citizens, including municipal services for the unincorporated areas and state or federal programs for all local jurisdictions. Elected representatives, including a five-member Board of Supervisors, work with employees to serve the community to enhance the economic, environmental and social quality of life of SLO County citizens.


GIS Student Intern

June 2021 San Luis Obispo, CA
“I liked having my own desk and computer. There are a few projects that are ongoing so it is nice to know I always have something to do when I'm finished with the other shorter-term projects. I learned a lot about how database management actually works.”

City Planning intern

July 2018 San Luis Obispo, CA
“I liked being able to experience the many different areas of work within the County. As an intern, they spread out your work load so you get to try a little bit of everything. I also had the opportunity to work with stakeholder groups and better my public interaction skills.”
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