Clocky was created by Gauri Nanda in 2005, while she was a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For Nanda, an over-sleeper who was routinely late for morning classes, waking up would take some ingenuity. Laying in bed one morning, Nanda realized that the alarm clock was long overdue for a makeover. It didn't have to be a black box that stares at you blankly, often failing at the one job it purports to do. Fusing her love for aesthetics and her passion for fixing things, Clocky was born. Nanda presented her initial prototype (a funny looking shag covered Clocky, which she created with materials from her local hardware store) to her MIT Media Lab course Industrial Design Intelligence.
Clocky is the only alarm clock that runs away beeping to get you out of bed on time. Nearly 50% of people "abuse the snooze." Clocky will let you snooze once but then he will jump off of your nightstand and run away beeping, determined to get you out of bed. Never Oversleep Again