Havas Health

For those working at Havas Health & You, what have you noticed are important to succeed there?

To work at Havas Health & You, and really any Communication/PR firm, I would say it is really important to understand how to work well with others. Most of these companies involve departments that are comprised of teams of people that are assigned to clients. Weekly meetings often take place to u...
Communication Healthcare Skillset Public Relations Havas Health & You
1 answer

Does Havas Health & You offer return offers for their interns? If so, what's the best approach to take?

In terms of turning your internship into a full-time position, I would say that you need to make sure to stay in touch with your immediate boss/supervisor as well as with HR. Most of the Communication companies do not start applications until around March/April, so I would re-reach out to your co...
Internship Healthcare Return Offer Havas Health & You
1 answer